The List
Baking Substitutions:
- 1 Cup whole milk = 1 Cup skim milk
- 1 Cup buttermilk = 1 Tbsp lemon juice + 15 Tbsp skim milk
- 1 Cup heavy cream = 1 Cup evaporated skim milk, or 1/2 Cup low-fat yogurt + 1/2 Cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 Cup sour cream = 1 Cup fat-free plain yogurt, or 1 Cup chilled evaporated skim milk whipped with 1 Tsp lemon juice
- 1 Cup cream cheese = 4 Tbsp margarine + 1 Cup dry low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 Cup butter or oil = 3/4 Cup applesauce, or 1 Cup mashed banana
- 1 Egg = 2 Egg whites
- 1 Oz Chocolate = 3 Tbsp margarine + 1 Tbsp cocoa powder

- Use chicken broth to stir-fry instead of oil.
- In place of butter, use non-fat cooking spray to brown.
- Replace bacon with turkey bacon.
- Use extra lean ground beef, or ground turkey.
- No sugar added fruit spreads taste more fruity than jam, and are plenty sweet.
- Canned fruits should be packed in fruit juice instead of heavy syrup.
- Use low calorie or skim versions of dairy products.
- Try milk and sweetener instead of cream and sugar in your coffee.
May 6, 2010 at 2:31 PM
Milk and Sweetener is a curse! You can never go back to sugar in the end because it just doesn't satisfy the sweetness...
May 8, 2010 at 12:52 PM
I've been meaning to look into what this sort of phenomena. I have started to notice a sweetness to sugar returning now that I've been eating it regularly. Or maybe it's always been there, but you start to attribute sweetness to the sensation of Splenda instead?