New beginnings...
Who has time to make proper meals and get to the gym these days?
You do!
No really, you do. You just don't realize it yet. Too often we put taking care of ourselves on the back burner. We're distracted by our studies, by our work, by our social lives. But let me ask you; who is all that time and effort for?
Well, our social life benefits our friends too, but for the most part all of this hard work we do for ourselves. So why is it that taking care of our bodies ends up on the bottom of the list? Spiritual philosophy aside, our bodies are the very core of our existence. Your body is what allows you to live, and taking proper care of it determines how long (and how well) you live. It only makes sense that we give our bodies as much effort--if not more--as we do any other responsibility.
Think of our ancestors; did they spend half their day chasing that next big promotion? No, they spent their time chasing gazelle to nourish and strengthen their bodies. Quite frankly, I picture those spear-throwing-loincloth-wearing neanderthals face palming at what monkey's we've become. Monkeys soullessly submitting this idea society whispers in our ear; that time is money and we just don't have time to be healthy.
Now, I'm not saying go quit your job and run around half naked chasing deer. My point is, you can't let your social obligations distract you from taking care of yourself. You need to find the time to stay active and eat right; trust me, that time is there! Not only is it incredibly rewarding, but it's actually quite easy. You just need to know how. That's what I hope to accomplish with my blog; to let others know a few simple ways to make numero uno, numero uno!
Expected posts in the future:
November 22, 2009 at 6:36 PM
I look forward to see what you will have in the future, young lad!