Knowing what we should be doing, and actually doing it
The first thing I want to make clear is that being active can't be a hobby. I believe this is why most people fail at living a healthy lifestyle. Staying active has to be a part of who you are just as much as your personality. It has to be a part of your day just as much as going to sleep at night.
So what can you do about getting some physicality into your day? Most people realize you can sneak in simple heart-healthy exercise doing things you already do, just doing them differently. For example:
- You're going to get to class/work; why not bike?
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you're faced with the option.
- If you're going out for lunch, why not leave the car behind and walk instead?
Ultimately though, it's also a good idea to invest in a gym membership. Don't get me wrong! Walking and taking stairs are better than nothing. However, I push the gym for a few reasons. The weather doesn't always permit biking to work, for one. But most importantly, normal daily activities like walking can't compare to the efficiency and versatility of working out at the gym. Now I know gym memberships are notoriously at the butt of sitcom jokes, but you're not going to let it go to waste, right?

The time is there, all you have to do is look.
Remember, you want to make working out a part of who you are. So for the next little while, finding exercise that you find fun and enjoy is key. Now, the gym can be a foreign and scary place for some people, but don't let intimidation get the best of you! I'll give a basic guide on getting started in my next post.
Expected posts in the future:
1) Learning your way around the gym
2) Starting to eat right
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